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Reviving Your Garlicoin Wallet from a .dat File

Restoring from Wallet.dat File

If You Don’t Know the Password

If your wallet is encrypted but you have lost the password, tools like Hashcat may help in attempting a password recovery.

If You Know the Password or the Wallet is Not Encrypted

For a Fresh Install

  1. Backup your existing wallet file.
  2. Copy your wallet.dat file to the following directory:
  3. Start Garlicoin Core to access your wallet.

Restoring from Phrase/Mnemonic

  1. Download and install Garlium.
  2. Open Garlium, name your wallet, and click Next.
  3. Select Standard Wallet, then click Next.
  4. Choose I already have a seed and enter your seed phrase.

Restoring with Private Key

To Garlium

  1. Download and open Garlium.
  2. Choose to create a new wallet, name it, and click Next.
  3. Select Import Garlicoin addresses or private keys.
  4. Paste your private key(s) into the field and follow the prompts to complete the import.

To Garlicoin Core

  1. Download and install Garlicoin Core.
  2. Open garlicoin-qt and navigate to Help > Debug Window > Console.
  3. If the wallet is encrypted, unlock it by entering:
  4. walletpassphrase "YourLongPassphrase" 600
  5. Import the private key:
  6. importprivkey <garlicoinprivkey>